Enjoy these most-requested feature articles from The Certain Way ezine — and feel free to use them in your own publications or on your own site. Click on a title to read the article.
- Infinite Underpants!
Quick! What's the very first thing that springs into your mind when you read or hear the M-word? (M-o-n-e-y.)
For many people that first thing isn't necessarily pleasant ... - Afloat in A Sea of Abundance
In the days of the mighty sailing ships, when brave souls voyaged into the unknown, dependent on the winds and their as-yet incomplete knowledge of geography and navigation, one of the greatest and most dangerous challenges was to ... - Flinging Fish for Fun and Profit
The situation looked grim for Johnny Yokoyama. The seafood market where he had once been an employee but was now the owner was more than $300,000 in debt and sinking deeper fast. In fact, employee morale was at an all-time low, and the business was almost as dead as the fish no one was buying.
Now fast-forward to today ... - That, Not This
A friend recently sent me an email that contained one simple sentence that jumped right off the screen and hit me in the face.
Here's what she wrote: "If you think you have to get this in order to have that, then ... - What the Young Man Heard
In the latter half of the 1800s, when the telegraph was still "high tech," a young man in Baltimore, Maryland, woke up one summer morning giddy with excitement. In fact, it had taken him half the night to get to sleep at all ... - How A Discredited Fascist Theory Can Accelerate YOUR Success
In the late 1800s, an Italian sociologist and engineer, Vilfredo Pareto, became known for his controversial theory that alleged the superiority of the "elite" class. That unfortunate (and now discredited) theory was used to shore up the ideology of fascism which brought misery to millions.
But he was also known for ... - How A Down and Out Baseball Player Boosted His Income 700 Per Cent in Ten Short Days
$185 may not seem like much (at least not here in North America), but when it's your whole month's pay — and when last month you were only getting $25 — it takes on some serious significance.
Now imagine yourself back in the year 1907 ... - 'Live' from The Epicenter!
I'm sure you've plinked a stone into a pond and watched the ripples spread out from the center. Or seen a boat plow through a lake or harbor, a massive vee of wavelets widening behind it ... - Financial Plumbing 101
or, How Finding and Fixing a "Money Leak" Immediately Saved Me $2,142 and How YOU Can Do It, Too! ... - 'It's Nothing at All 'til We Call It'
In long-ago China there lived a peasant farmer by the name of Chang Wei-Kung. Now in those days, in that country, a subsistence farmer like Wei-Kung relied heavily on his sons to help with planting, cultivation, and especially to bring in the harvest. But Wei-Kung had only one son ... - Harry Houdini and The Great Escape
As a fan of old advertising, I found it intriguing that a 1912 advertising poster sold not long ago for the amazing sum of $47,464. Although its worth had been estimated to be somewhere between $17,700 and $21,000, the price soared because this particular advertising-as-art featured the magician, illusionist, and escape artist known the world over as Harry Houdini ... - An Extra $36,000 — Already!
Just a few short weeks ago, Mike began to put his big plans for the year into action. Like so many of us, he and his wife had decided that now that their daughter was grown, they wanted to work less and enjoy life more — to travel, spend time with friends and family, and just generally enjoy their home on the lovely east coast of New Zealand ... - How To Have An Out-of-Body Experience (Sort of)
When the battered old Chevy ran the red light and pulled directly into our path, I didn't notice it at first — the pounding rain was just too heavy and the moonless night very dark. By the time I could see it, bright white in our headlights, it was too late to stop: in a split second we would plow into it broadside at 60 miles an hour ... - Bob's Holiday Miracle
"Can I really do this?" Bob asked himself. After all, he'd never even laid eyes on the woman and her two daughters until a few minutes ago, when he'd pulled into the gas station to fill up the tank ...
6:40 PM 4/27/2013
My Friends,
I use what commonly referred to as the "Dream Board" to invision what I wish to accomplish in life. I think that you will
like my blog I spent 11 years building. My motivational blog. JD Dawson Associates - The Secret.
Take a good look-see whenver you get a chance and let me know what you think!: JD Dawson Associates - The Secret. Attraction
Marketing. http://JDDawsonAssociates.webs.com
My blog is perfect for anyone needing motivation, for those that are lost, for those that need a new sense of direction, for
those that need to find themselves.
Take a few minutes to take a good look-see. Really...just a few minutes.
If you like what you see, continue on getting deeper and deeper into the blog. Before long things will start to become just a
little bit clearer.
Then you should get a little bit deeper into the blog. Then things start to become very clear.
Then as you find yourself getting deeper and deeper into the blog, you discover that you have a new sort of guideline to go
by to straigten up whatever is troubling you in your life.
Then each day that you come back to the blog you begin to realize that your research and studies have become a little more
serious. You are beginning to take notes of what you have learned and are STILL learning.
Then as you become even more involved you find yourself creating what is referred to as YOUR "Dream Board", carefully and
meticulously laying out what your wants and needs are to make your life more fullfilled and meaningful.
And then before you know, it is like it all seemed to happen overnight, your life begins to change to something
unexplainable, fresh and new.
You have finally discovered The Secret - The Law of Attraction.
Napoleon Hill published two books on this theme. The first was The Law of Success in 16 Lessons (1928).Then in 1937, he
published Think and Grow Rich. After this, the book, Three Magic Words (1954) by American author, U.S. Anderson, became a
forerunner to the present phase of information on the subconscious mind and the law of attraction. This work was expanded
upon by W. Clement Stone in Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude.
In my own humble opinion, Bob Proctor has probably studied and KNOWS The Secret - Law of Attraction inside and out more than
anyone in history. NOT only from all of the EXTENSIVE 365/7 research and study that he has done, but from his own personal
experiences as well.
Bob and I are a lot alike in that way. I have done extensive research and study and I have also proven without a shadow of a
doubt that it is VERY real due to my own personal experiences and accomplishments made possibel by it's use. Some of which
you will find noted on my motivational blog.
One time after joining one of Bob's programs as a member, a few days later I received a hand written letter from Bob. He was
sitting in a Hilton Hptel room when one of the staff called to discusss business with him and advised him that I had joined
one of his programs as a member to study under him. In his letter to expressed his joy to hear that I had done so and how
grateful he was as having me as their client. And of course Bob being Bob, went on to point out the key benefits of the
program I had joined. Assuring me that even though the program sounded too simple, it works. And as usual he was right.
Again, some of which you will find noted on my motivational blog.
But first, you have to acually go to my blog. First you have to open your mind to new possibilities. First you have to learn
and accept that there may very well be forces you do not understand or even know about. First you have to be willing to
learn, accept and to grow from the newfound wisdom being presented to you.
Are you happy? Not only with your personal life but with your business life as well? Do you feel totally lost?
Is there that feeling of emptiness, that feeling of nothingness? Are there days that you are so depressed that you begin to
cry uncontrollably? Do you have the feeling that there HAS to be a better way, there HAS to be more from life than this?!
Well my friend I can assure you that there is. A world so wonderous that it boggles the mind. A world that will set your
personal life and business life on track to all that is good. A world where you will no longer feel lost, but warm and loved.
A world where you will fill your cup and no longer having that feeling of emptiness and nothingness. A world where depression
is all but a memory and the only tears that you shed are from complete joy, happiness and fullfillment. A world that leaves
no doubt, you have finally found the better way, the better life. You have finally found The Secret - The Law of Attraction.
BUT...First..You MUST go to my blog. Go there now my friend. PLEASE do not procrastinate and just make a note of it to do
another day that willreally never come. Go there now...if only for a few minutes, if only for a short while.
Remember nothing will change...until YOU change it. Nobody is going to do it for you. Nobody know or cares about you more
than YOU do...So are you ready? Get Ready...Set...Go NOW!!: http://www.JDDawsonAssociates.webs.com/
Rebecca Fine is the founder of The Science of Getting Rich Network where you can download your free copy of the amazing 1910 forgotten classic, The Science of Getting Rich. http://scienceofgettingrich.net/ ©2006 Certain Way Productions Inc.
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