My Story - The Secret
Posted by James Deo Dawson Sr on August 14, 2011 at 9:35 PM | comments (0) |
I recently made a commitment to a new and very dear friend of mine, Bob Proctor. You may or may not have heard of Bob. He was involved in the making of the movie "The Secret." My commitment to Bob was that I would carry a small wad of bills around with me for the next 30 days. The idea is so I may experience the feelings of wealth. Now you can cut some pieces of paper the same size of a dollar bill and then wrap a one hundred dollar bill on the outside. Your subconscious mind does not know the difference. You see, this lesson is a small part of Bob's teachings. I became one of his many students.
You see Bob is a well known philosopher. Has been for 45 years now. He first discovered "The Secret" 50 years ago and it totally and completely changed his life. He went from earning a measly $4,000 a year to earning over $1 Million Dollars a year. This happened very quickly to him after he discovered The Secret. He spent the next 9 years researching to figure out how this happened so he could explain it to others. He then made a sacred vow to himself that he would travel the globe teaching others about The Secret. And he has traveled the globe doing just that.
Bob sent me a hand written letter while staying in a hotel room, letting me know that one of his business associates told him that I had joined "Six Minutes To Success": I have followed Bob's work for quite some time. I did not think that there was anyone else on the planet besides myself that believes in the power of the mind so intensely as I do.
Now here is what you don't know. I hope you have some time. Please just sit down with a cup of java and read the comments about myself that I sent to Bob. This is how "My Story - The Secret" evolved. I have NEVER confided in anyone else in my lifetime. Ever. This was the first and probably last. Especially since I do not know how much time I have left in this lifetime.
When I was 13 years old I suffered a massive brain concussion. Doctors told my parents that I should not have survived the accident. Falling out of a tree from about 80 feet up, falling directly on my forehead. Doctors said if nothing else I should have broken my neck. They said the my intense dedication for bodybuilding is what saved my life. The strength in my neck saved me. You see as any doctor will tell you, of the 1,000,000 people treated in hospital emergency rooms each year, 50,000 die and 80,000 become permanently disabled because of traumatic brain injury (TBI). And that is as of 2011. Mine was in 1965.
Brain injuries occur more frequently than breast cancer or AIDS. One out of every fifty Americans is currently living with disabilities from TBI. There's even an association between head injury and Alzheimer's disease later in life. And, you don't have to be knocked unconscious to sustain a brain injury. Mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI), also known as concussion , can damage your brain at the cellular level . Worse, repetitive head injuries , even minor ones, can have serious repercussions – including permanent brain damage or death.
The doctors gave me a 5% percent chance of living and told my parents that they should contact other family members and our family minister. I woke up out of a very deep coma 2 1/2 days later with complete and total memory loss. I did not know who I was, anything about my life, did not recognize anyone including my parents. As I was coming out of the coma, my mother was standing by my bedside. I looked up at her and asked "Who are you?". Her eyes widened and she immediately screamed out "Jim!!!" calling my father as she starting crying uncontrollably
I never recuperated from the complete and total memory loss. The only reason that I know I am James Deo Dawson Sr is because the man I refer to as my father sat down with me a showed me my birth certificate and family photos. I went from being a straight A student to C's, D's, and F's. And the teachers felt helpless. They really did not know how to cope and adapt to someone suffering with my condition. They were not sure how they were suppose to educate me. Where to start. What grade level of education to start at. You see nobody knew, even myself, just how much my brain had been damaged. How much of the 13 years of brain retention had been lost never to be tapped into again due to the severe and massive brain concussion. In short the teachers gave up. Again you have to keep in mind that we are talking about the year 1965.
My mother bought all kinds of educational material. Highlights for children, flash cards, a blackboard and chalk, a white board with makers, an easel for the blackboard different educational crayon books, etc, etc, etc. My mother started dedicating her life to me. From early morning and into the night she started contacting experts in the field of education, going to the library to educate herself so she could educate me, etc, etc.
Then we started seeing hints that there were still just very small pieces of my life that I could just barely remember and picture in mind. So my mother had me to start sketching on small pieces of paper the different things that I could remember, fold that piece of paper and carry them in my back pocket. I would pull them out from time to time and if they started sparking yet another memory I would sit down and sketch out on a small piece of paper what I was picturing in my mind, fold it up and put it in my back pocket.
Then one day my mother bought me a small pocket size notebook. At least the best you could buy back then that was considered pocket size. It would fit in my back pocket. She told me that she wanted me to dedicate my day to re-sketching all of the loose small pieces of papers that I was carrying in my pocket into my new pocket size notebook. She handed me another pocket size notebook and told me that any new memories she wanted me to sketch out in this one.
My mother made it very clear that I was to erase anything else from my mind and that I was not to allow myself to be distracted. No TV, no radio, nothing. To be completely focused on what my task was and concentrate only on my task at hand. At first I did not know what she meant as far as the extra notebook went. But as I was following her instructions re-sketching into the first notebook, I started having these flashes of memory. Just some bits and pieces. Some of which I did not know if it was really related to me personally or just something I had seen on TV. All of this evolved into not just one day, but three days and then seven days. After I was finally done I only had about ten blank pages left in each notebook. My mother took both notebooks from me and told me that she wanted to study what I had sketched and we would discuss it the next week and include that into our weekly studies.
What came from the two notebooks was amazing. When my mother started studying the two notebooks she started seeing broken up but still related patterns to some of the sketches. Some of them as a small groups were actually telling a story so to speak. Bits and pieces of my life were starting to emerge. So my mother stared tearing out the pages from the notebooks that she thought were related in some way. What first looked like a lot, turned out to be what would be a month or two in someone's life. But hey, it was a start!
When my mother sat down and presented to me what she had created, we both just started balling our eyes out. Something deep in my subconscious was still there. A retaining, archived, back storage so to speak. So as time went on we continued to follow these exact steps, but we were only able to put together what would have been a year or two of actual life before we finally came to a dead end. The flashes and bits and pieces of memory came to an end.
So I started going to the library to perform my own research on the brain and the mind. I quickly found the information for these topics to be practically endless. Then I came across books that had been written by professors on the topic of mind control and brain building. This excited me. It was what I needed. Some new path to take in my recovery. A new beginning.
So I started imagining different things that I truly wanted out of life. New goals to accomplish. I would write them down on paper and carry them in my back pocket, bringing them out numerous times during the process of a day to read them and picture in my mind what they said. My mother said that she would stop what she was doing whenever she seen me close my eyes to picture in my mind what a piece of paper in my back pocket said. She said that I would even smile at times. She seemed to get some sort on small joy in watching me.
Then we started noticing something new and exciting. It worked! It actually worked!! So my mother wanted me to teach her and tell her the steps I took in my education at the library so she too could participate. We were actually enjoying our new found education and having an enormous amount of fun with it!!!
As the years rolled by I became a very serious entrepreneur in architecture by creating a niche for myself in the drafting service industry with my father whom also has a love for architecture. But technology ended up taking our dreams away with Computer aided drafting also known as CAD. When it first came out you would have to invest over $300, 000 in all of the equipment needed to compete. The banks would not have had a problem at all in lending either one of us the funds needed, but there were way too many risks in taking on such a venture.
Then to top it off the stock markets crashed while we were taking time off on vacation. We found ourselves, like many, scrambling to gain a foothold in what work was still available. I called a client to see if they would be interested in hiring both of us and they jumped at the chance. After all they were getting a bargain. This particular architectural firm specialized in the design of nursing homes. I set my mind into gear determined to learn all I could regarding the creation of the construction documents that they created. After two months one of the chief architects requested from the owner of the firm that he be permitted to have me as his project captain and direct his team of 13 draftsman. I accepted the position for 1 1/2 times the income.
Three years later I re-started my drafting service JD Dawson & Associates that I had owned while working with my father and his company The Dawson Co. I became well know across the United States. Then one day my ex-wife gave me an ultimatum. My business or her and the kids. One would have to be given up. I closed my business. Two years later she walked out the door leaving me with my two sons to raise alone.
My mother passed away at the age of 79 on November 25, 2005. She was a fighter, suffering from several strokes. The last time she laid there and in a blind stare with a slight tear from the corner of her eyes. I took a photo out of my pocket that had been taken of her, I, dad and my wife. I flashed in in front of her face. She reached up with her hand and brushed the photo away. You see the tears were not because she knew she was going to die, but because her mind was being taken from her. The one thing we had both grown to cherish over life itself. But yet her blind stare I think was because she was being allowed to see a vision of what was yet to come for her. Her final destiny. The REAL Secret.
Now as the years passed I met my present wife of 17 years. We have been through a lot due to my health. In 2000 I suffered a massive heart attack requiring 5 by-passed. In 2001 I suffered another heart attack due to one of the grafts fro the first operation failing requiring stent surgery. In 2005 I suffered a mild heart, same in 2007. Then this year this past February I I came dangerously close to suffering a fatal heart attack requiring 2 by-passes. I was sitting in a restaurant I had taken my wife to dinner at on Valentines day and found myself popping nitro's like candy. I popped 2 1/2 bottles in 2 days in order to survive until the surgery could be performed. The hospital had actually ran out of beds due to a severe flu outbreak.
The surgeon told me after the surgery that he estimated that I would have been dead in 2 more days. I only had one main artery still open with another one half closed. The other 3 that had been done in 2000 had already completely closed. The surgeon could not believe that I had not had a heart attack. Said that I should not have been able to have any mobility whatsoever without passing out or having a heart attack. Then when he heard that I had taken my wife out to a Valentine's Day dinner he was absolutely astounded! I told him that I had made up my mind that I was going to take my wife out for her Valentine's Day dinner that I had promised her and there was nothing that was going to stop me!
Now, the surgeon had also warned me before the surgery that the second time around was always worse than the first. Having to cut back through all of the scar tissue of the first operation having to cut the sternum back in half again, having to score the rib cage to allowing them to open me up like a book, etc. He also told me that they do not always perform open heart by-pass surgery a second time. They usually will try alternative therapy first. But he said that he felt and my family physician had convinced him that I was somebody deserving of a second open heart by-pass surgery without having to be put through the standard red tape. As it turned out my family physician and the surgeon were both big believers of The Secret Law of Attraction. They both could see and could tell from discussions that we had all had that I am as well. So yet again, my belief protected and guided me back to health.
Each time the heart attacks come I feel that a piece of me has been taken away. That I have been weakened in some way. But as the months pass I feel my strength, confidence, mind, and body build to my old level again. All the while I am using my belief in The Secret and using my old system that my mother and I used to make my come back. One of the doctors told me that he has patients that are prone to colds. I am his only patient that is prone to heart attacks!!
I will be curious of how that will feel like again to carry a large amount of cash in pocket again. 1979 - 1983 I use to carry an attaché case full of money with me. 17 years ago I use to carry around $3,000 in my pocket wherever I went. Today pocket change. You see, after my first heart attack nobody in business would hire me. They could not add me to their group insurance policy making me just another pain to deal with. Nobody wanted to sign a contract with me for any work that may take any long length of time to complete because they were afraid I would keel over before the project was completed.
So one day in 2001 I said screw this and went out and bought a computer and without any books of instruction I self taught myself on how to use one, went on the internet to learn even more, started researching any and everything to do with the internet, work from home businesses, etc. and became a webmaster, found a niche in investigative reporting and merchandising, became certified and started JD Dawson Investigative Reporting & Merchandising. I have also created numerous websites to promote my new businesses I have started along the way, WorkAtHomeBusinessSecrets, JamesDeoDawsonSrWorld, TreasureChestof Values, JD Dawson Associates, The Internetizen Entrepreneur and many others listed on my miscellaneous page on my website
And you can just use Internet Explorer browser and type in the Google search JamesDeoDawsonSr
The Secret Law of Attraction. Sure it exists! You Betcha' Anyone that tries to deny it to me I will not hesitate to tell them not only do they not know what they are talking about but they are an ignorant fool to deny it's existence And even more ignorant for not instigating it further!!
Boy would I love to meet with Bob Proctor in person some day and just sit and chat. What a wondrous delight that would be. And to be a part of his group would be a dream come true! I wonder if the people in his group actually know just how lucky they are to be able to be in his presence and tap into his many years of knowledge. Even just a couple of hours of it. I will try to invasion that.
At the end of my letter to Bob I told him to take care. And that I was sure that his journey in life has many full circles to complete. Being able to communicate with Bob on a one to one basis completed one of mine.
It is my sincere hope that this website, this blog and all it's contents will help to start you on your new journey to discover The Secret and change your life forever for the better. The Secret has always had a dramatic effect on my life, still is and always will have.
And oh by the way. I told my wife that I wanted a picture frame to display the letter that I received from Bob Proctor.
" And Always Remember... Success Begins With A Dream " ™ – JD
Your Friend,
James Deo Dawson Sr "JD"
The Secret book, print edition The Secret book, print edition
A number of exceptional men and women discovered The Secret, and went onto become known as the greatest people who ever lived. Among them:Plato, Leonardo, Galileo, Napoleon, Hugo, Beethoven, Lincoln, Edison,Einstein, and Carnegie, to name but a few.
Now for the first time in history, all the pieces of The Secret come together in a revelation that is life transforming for allwho experience it.
This is The Secret to life.
The Secret is available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, BJ's, Books aMillion, Borders, Costco, Kroger, Sam's Club, Target, and Walmart.
You see Bob is a well known philosopher. Has been for 45 years now. He first discovered "The Secret" 50 years ago and it totally and completely changed his life. He went from earning a measly $4,000 a year to earning over $1 Million Dollars a year. This happened very quickly to him after he discovered The Secret. He spent the next 9 years researching to figure out how this happened so he could explain it to others. He then made a sacred vow to himself that he would travel the globe teaching others about The Secret. And he has traveled the globe doing just that.
Bob sent me a hand written letter while staying in a hotel room, letting me know that one of his business associates told him that I had joined "Six Minutes To Success": I have followed Bob's work for quite some time. I did not think that there was anyone else on the planet besides myself that believes in the power of the mind so intensely as I do.
Now here is what you don't know. I hope you have some time. Please just sit down with a cup of java and read the comments about myself that I sent to Bob. This is how "My Story - The Secret" evolved. I have NEVER confided in anyone else in my lifetime. Ever. This was the first and probably last. Especially since I do not know how much time I have left in this lifetime.
When I was 13 years old I suffered a massive brain concussion. Doctors told my parents that I should not have survived the accident. Falling out of a tree from about 80 feet up, falling directly on my forehead. Doctors said if nothing else I should have broken my neck. They said the my intense dedication for bodybuilding is what saved my life. The strength in my neck saved me. You see as any doctor will tell you, of the 1,000,000 people treated in hospital emergency rooms each year, 50,000 die and 80,000 become permanently disabled because of traumatic brain injury (TBI). And that is as of 2011. Mine was in 1965.
Brain injuries occur more frequently than breast cancer or AIDS. One out of every fifty Americans is currently living with disabilities from TBI. There's even an association between head injury and Alzheimer's disease later in life. And, you don't have to be knocked unconscious to sustain a brain injury. Mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI), also known as concussion , can damage your brain at the cellular level . Worse, repetitive head injuries , even minor ones, can have serious repercussions – including permanent brain damage or death.
The doctors gave me a 5% percent chance of living and told my parents that they should contact other family members and our family minister. I woke up out of a very deep coma 2 1/2 days later with complete and total memory loss. I did not know who I was, anything about my life, did not recognize anyone including my parents. As I was coming out of the coma, my mother was standing by my bedside. I looked up at her and asked "Who are you?". Her eyes widened and she immediately screamed out "Jim!!!" calling my father as she starting crying uncontrollably
I never recuperated from the complete and total memory loss. The only reason that I know I am James Deo Dawson Sr is because the man I refer to as my father sat down with me a showed me my birth certificate and family photos. I went from being a straight A student to C's, D's, and F's. And the teachers felt helpless. They really did not know how to cope and adapt to someone suffering with my condition. They were not sure how they were suppose to educate me. Where to start. What grade level of education to start at. You see nobody knew, even myself, just how much my brain had been damaged. How much of the 13 years of brain retention had been lost never to be tapped into again due to the severe and massive brain concussion. In short the teachers gave up. Again you have to keep in mind that we are talking about the year 1965.
My mother bought all kinds of educational material. Highlights for children, flash cards, a blackboard and chalk, a white board with makers, an easel for the blackboard different educational crayon books, etc, etc, etc. My mother started dedicating her life to me. From early morning and into the night she started contacting experts in the field of education, going to the library to educate herself so she could educate me, etc, etc.
Then we started seeing hints that there were still just very small pieces of my life that I could just barely remember and picture in mind. So my mother had me to start sketching on small pieces of paper the different things that I could remember, fold that piece of paper and carry them in my back pocket. I would pull them out from time to time and if they started sparking yet another memory I would sit down and sketch out on a small piece of paper what I was picturing in my mind, fold it up and put it in my back pocket.
Then one day my mother bought me a small pocket size notebook. At least the best you could buy back then that was considered pocket size. It would fit in my back pocket. She told me that she wanted me to dedicate my day to re-sketching all of the loose small pieces of papers that I was carrying in my pocket into my new pocket size notebook. She handed me another pocket size notebook and told me that any new memories she wanted me to sketch out in this one.
My mother made it very clear that I was to erase anything else from my mind and that I was not to allow myself to be distracted. No TV, no radio, nothing. To be completely focused on what my task was and concentrate only on my task at hand. At first I did not know what she meant as far as the extra notebook went. But as I was following her instructions re-sketching into the first notebook, I started having these flashes of memory. Just some bits and pieces. Some of which I did not know if it was really related to me personally or just something I had seen on TV. All of this evolved into not just one day, but three days and then seven days. After I was finally done I only had about ten blank pages left in each notebook. My mother took both notebooks from me and told me that she wanted to study what I had sketched and we would discuss it the next week and include that into our weekly studies.
What came from the two notebooks was amazing. When my mother started studying the two notebooks she started seeing broken up but still related patterns to some of the sketches. Some of them as a small groups were actually telling a story so to speak. Bits and pieces of my life were starting to emerge. So my mother stared tearing out the pages from the notebooks that she thought were related in some way. What first looked like a lot, turned out to be what would be a month or two in someone's life. But hey, it was a start!
When my mother sat down and presented to me what she had created, we both just started balling our eyes out. Something deep in my subconscious was still there. A retaining, archived, back storage so to speak. So as time went on we continued to follow these exact steps, but we were only able to put together what would have been a year or two of actual life before we finally came to a dead end. The flashes and bits and pieces of memory came to an end.
So I started going to the library to perform my own research on the brain and the mind. I quickly found the information for these topics to be practically endless. Then I came across books that had been written by professors on the topic of mind control and brain building. This excited me. It was what I needed. Some new path to take in my recovery. A new beginning.
So I started imagining different things that I truly wanted out of life. New goals to accomplish. I would write them down on paper and carry them in my back pocket, bringing them out numerous times during the process of a day to read them and picture in my mind what they said. My mother said that she would stop what she was doing whenever she seen me close my eyes to picture in my mind what a piece of paper in my back pocket said. She said that I would even smile at times. She seemed to get some sort on small joy in watching me.
Then we started noticing something new and exciting. It worked! It actually worked!! So my mother wanted me to teach her and tell her the steps I took in my education at the library so she too could participate. We were actually enjoying our new found education and having an enormous amount of fun with it!!!
As the years rolled by I became a very serious entrepreneur in architecture by creating a niche for myself in the drafting service industry with my father whom also has a love for architecture. But technology ended up taking our dreams away with Computer aided drafting also known as CAD. When it first came out you would have to invest over $300, 000 in all of the equipment needed to compete. The banks would not have had a problem at all in lending either one of us the funds needed, but there were way too many risks in taking on such a venture.
Then to top it off the stock markets crashed while we were taking time off on vacation. We found ourselves, like many, scrambling to gain a foothold in what work was still available. I called a client to see if they would be interested in hiring both of us and they jumped at the chance. After all they were getting a bargain. This particular architectural firm specialized in the design of nursing homes. I set my mind into gear determined to learn all I could regarding the creation of the construction documents that they created. After two months one of the chief architects requested from the owner of the firm that he be permitted to have me as his project captain and direct his team of 13 draftsman. I accepted the position for 1 1/2 times the income.
Three years later I re-started my drafting service JD Dawson & Associates that I had owned while working with my father and his company The Dawson Co. I became well know across the United States. Then one day my ex-wife gave me an ultimatum. My business or her and the kids. One would have to be given up. I closed my business. Two years later she walked out the door leaving me with my two sons to raise alone.
My mother passed away at the age of 79 on November 25, 2005. She was a fighter, suffering from several strokes. The last time she laid there and in a blind stare with a slight tear from the corner of her eyes. I took a photo out of my pocket that had been taken of her, I, dad and my wife. I flashed in in front of her face. She reached up with her hand and brushed the photo away. You see the tears were not because she knew she was going to die, but because her mind was being taken from her. The one thing we had both grown to cherish over life itself. But yet her blind stare I think was because she was being allowed to see a vision of what was yet to come for her. Her final destiny. The REAL Secret.
Now as the years passed I met my present wife of 17 years. We have been through a lot due to my health. In 2000 I suffered a massive heart attack requiring 5 by-passed. In 2001 I suffered another heart attack due to one of the grafts fro the first operation failing requiring stent surgery. In 2005 I suffered a mild heart, same in 2007. Then this year this past February I I came dangerously close to suffering a fatal heart attack requiring 2 by-passes. I was sitting in a restaurant I had taken my wife to dinner at on Valentines day and found myself popping nitro's like candy. I popped 2 1/2 bottles in 2 days in order to survive until the surgery could be performed. The hospital had actually ran out of beds due to a severe flu outbreak.
The surgeon told me after the surgery that he estimated that I would have been dead in 2 more days. I only had one main artery still open with another one half closed. The other 3 that had been done in 2000 had already completely closed. The surgeon could not believe that I had not had a heart attack. Said that I should not have been able to have any mobility whatsoever without passing out or having a heart attack. Then when he heard that I had taken my wife out to a Valentine's Day dinner he was absolutely astounded! I told him that I had made up my mind that I was going to take my wife out for her Valentine's Day dinner that I had promised her and there was nothing that was going to stop me!
Now, the surgeon had also warned me before the surgery that the second time around was always worse than the first. Having to cut back through all of the scar tissue of the first operation having to cut the sternum back in half again, having to score the rib cage to allowing them to open me up like a book, etc. He also told me that they do not always perform open heart by-pass surgery a second time. They usually will try alternative therapy first. But he said that he felt and my family physician had convinced him that I was somebody deserving of a second open heart by-pass surgery without having to be put through the standard red tape. As it turned out my family physician and the surgeon were both big believers of The Secret Law of Attraction. They both could see and could tell from discussions that we had all had that I am as well. So yet again, my belief protected and guided me back to health.
Each time the heart attacks come I feel that a piece of me has been taken away. That I have been weakened in some way. But as the months pass I feel my strength, confidence, mind, and body build to my old level again. All the while I am using my belief in The Secret and using my old system that my mother and I used to make my come back. One of the doctors told me that he has patients that are prone to colds. I am his only patient that is prone to heart attacks!!
I will be curious of how that will feel like again to carry a large amount of cash in pocket again. 1979 - 1983 I use to carry an attaché case full of money with me. 17 years ago I use to carry around $3,000 in my pocket wherever I went. Today pocket change. You see, after my first heart attack nobody in business would hire me. They could not add me to their group insurance policy making me just another pain to deal with. Nobody wanted to sign a contract with me for any work that may take any long length of time to complete because they were afraid I would keel over before the project was completed.
So one day in 2001 I said screw this and went out and bought a computer and without any books of instruction I self taught myself on how to use one, went on the internet to learn even more, started researching any and everything to do with the internet, work from home businesses, etc. and became a webmaster, found a niche in investigative reporting and merchandising, became certified and started JD Dawson Investigative Reporting & Merchandising. I have also created numerous websites to promote my new businesses I have started along the way, WorkAtHomeBusinessSecrets, JamesDeoDawsonSrWorld, TreasureChestof Values, JD Dawson Associates, The Internetizen Entrepreneur and many others listed on my miscellaneous page on my website
And you can just use Internet Explorer browser and type in the Google search JamesDeoDawsonSr
The Secret Law of Attraction. Sure it exists! You Betcha' Anyone that tries to deny it to me I will not hesitate to tell them not only do they not know what they are talking about but they are an ignorant fool to deny it's existence And even more ignorant for not instigating it further!!
Boy would I love to meet with Bob Proctor in person some day and just sit and chat. What a wondrous delight that would be. And to be a part of his group would be a dream come true! I wonder if the people in his group actually know just how lucky they are to be able to be in his presence and tap into his many years of knowledge. Even just a couple of hours of it. I will try to invasion that.
At the end of my letter to Bob I told him to take care. And that I was sure that his journey in life has many full circles to complete. Being able to communicate with Bob on a one to one basis completed one of mine.
It is my sincere hope that this website, this blog and all it's contents will help to start you on your new journey to discover The Secret and change your life forever for the better. The Secret has always had a dramatic effect on my life, still is and always will have.
And oh by the way. I told my wife that I wanted a picture frame to display the letter that I received from Bob Proctor.
" And Always Remember... Success Begins With A Dream " ™ – JD
Your Friend,
James Deo Dawson Sr "JD"
The Secret Book Publication
Posted by James Deo Dawson Sr on July 23, 2011 at 10:57 AM | comments (0) |
The Secret book, print edition The Secret book, print edition
A number of exceptional men and women discovered The Secret, and went onto become known as the greatest people who ever lived. Among them:Plato, Leonardo, Galileo, Napoleon, Hugo, Beethoven, Lincoln, Edison,Einstein, and Carnegie, to name but a few.
Now for the first time in history, all the pieces of The Secret come together in a revelation that is life transforming for allwho experience it.
This is The Secret to life.
The Secret is available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, BJ's, Books aMillion, Borders, Costco, Kroger, Sam's Club, Target, and Walmart.
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